Saturday, October 8, 2011

I did it...

I let Adeline go stay with her grandparents for 4 nights!  

She stayed two nights with my parents and two with Jon's.  She got to do so many fun things and see lots of family.  I know she had a great time, but we missed her terribly.  

We did, however, get lots of rest while she was gone.  Annabel and I pretty much stayed on the couch all day every day.  When Jon would get home from work we'd plop down together and watch TV all evening, something we haven't done in almost 2 years.

My mom left here Friday morning and we were officially on our own for the first time.

Mom went with us to meet Shannon & Westin for lunch at CFA, but left right after we ate.  Westin & Adeline were intimidated by the bigger kids in the play area, so we decided to take them to a park.  In the process of getting both my girls in the car, Adeline darted out in to the parking lot and I "lost" my keys for probably 10 minutes only to find them in the passenger seat where I'd put them.  I'll get this "mom of 2" thing down eventually, but it's an adjustment.  When Jon got home he asked how my day was, I replied, "Hectic, but that's just going to be life for a while."  I love it and wouldn't trade it for anything!

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