Wednesday, November 16, 2011

More Random Pictures

I had several pictures I hadn't put on my blog yet this month and wanted to get that done before the holidays and other things we have coming up in the next few weeks.

This is from November 1.  Annabel was really fussy and Adeline was bouncing off the walls, so I decided to go on a walk around the block.  Annabel fell right to sleep even though the wind was blowing like crazy.  I thought she looked so cute in this little hat my MIL made.

I try to come up with fun things for Adeline to do.  I know she gets bored sitting at home with me all day.  By the time she was done, the floor needed to be mopped, clothes needed to be washed, and Adeline needed a bath.  She had a blast, though so it was all worth it.

My two girls doing tummy time together.

This red mark under Annabel's eye is from her sweet big sister knocking my phone out of my hand onto her face.  Adeline wanted my phone, but didn't want me holding it so she was throwing a fit.  Poor Annabel got her first black eye at 7 weeks old.

Adeline loves piling toys on top of her sister.

Annabel deep in thought.

My oldest beautiful blue-eyed baby.

Who doesn't love the feeling of a sleeping baby on your chest?

Annabel has hit a growth spurt this week I think.  All of a sudden she kind of looks chunky.  I love chunky babies!

My grandmother bought the girls these outfits and embellished them with the little flowers.  So cute!

Yesterday we took Adeline for allergy testing.  She's had slight reactions to peanut butter both times I've given it to her and I wanted to know for sure if she really was allergic to peanuts.  Sure enough, she is.  Adeline did really well with the testing and only cried with the initial sticks.  The place was really great with kids and had a Strawberry Shortcake video playing for her and I brought lots of snacks.  We have to avoid peanuts and tree nuts in hopes of her outgrowing this allergy.  The less she is exposed to it, the greater her chances of outgrowing it, according to the allergist.  We go yearly to re-check.  We were given an epipen for emergencies, but the doctor seems to think her case is mild and can be treated with benadryl if she is ever exposed to peanuts.  Adeline also showed allergies to eggs, cats, and dust mites.  However, the doctor did not say she needed to avoid eating eggs.  Yay!

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