Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Our Family Christmas

We had our little family Christmas this morning and it was so much fun!  Last night I let the girls open up one present each (really Adeline opened them both).  They were Christmas pajamas.  I like this tradition and plan to do it every year.  We left out cookies for Santa and he came and left presents and filled our stockings.  He ate all his cookies and even left us a note thanking us for taking such good care of Dee.

Adeline got a balance bike & Annabel got an exersaucer.  Santa left stuff in all our stockings!

Adeline inspecting her stocking stuffers.

I think she likes it. 

After the Santa gifts, both girls had a few presents from us to open, and Jon and I exchanged gifts as well.  We try not to go overboard with gifts since they're going to be getting so much from grandparents and aunts and cousins, etc.  Especially not now when they're so young and don't know better.  I'm sure once they start asking for specific items, it'll be hard to control ourselves.  

Adeline did not want to sit still for a picture.  These crack me up!

This look makes me laugh.

Blue-eyed Beauty

Practicing on her new bike..

And of course, nothing is off-limits.  She gets in here herself, but can't quite get out on her own just yet.  :)

After opening presents, we had yummy blueberry pancakes for breakfast.  After breakfast I was getting ready to get in the shower and it was like Adeline all of a sudden realized she never thanked Santa.  She stopped what she was doing & said, "Oh, thank you, Santa."  It was so sweet!  Along those lines, the other night at our neighborhood party someone asked Adeline if she was ready for Christmas and her reply was, "Yes!  Jesus!"  It made me so happy that Jesus came to mind first when Christmas was mentioned, not toys, or Santa, or presents.  We are enjoying the rest of the day at home getting everything ready to leave for Texas in the morning.

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